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Creative Innovation
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  • $50
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  • 1 GB of space
  • Support at $25/hour
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  • Premium
  • Standard Compliant Channels
  • $100
  • Completely synergize resource taxing relationships via premier market
  • 10 GB of space
  • Support at $15/hour
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  • Platinum
  • Standard Compliant Channels
  • $250
  • Completely synergize resource taxing relationships via premier market
  • 30 GB of space
  • Support at $5/hour
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Creative Use of Colours and Textures
We Paint Many Themes From All Over the World!
Bright Colours / Great Textures
Gardens, Architecture, Abstracts and more!
We offer watercolour prints!
Mediterranean Themes
The Rich Colour of the Mediterranean!
Digital Art + Original Acrylics
Incredible Textures, Custom Brushwork! Brilliant Colours + Original Art!
Digital Paintings
Incredible Textures, Custom Brushwork! Brilliant Colours + Original Art!
Peace Region Storm
Rich green fields covered with colourful says
Digital Paintings
Impressive Watercolours
Digital Paintings
Bright Watercolours! Prints Available
Original Paintings!
Watercolour and Acrylic
Now available !
Both Prints and Originals
Looking for a great Anniversary or Birthday Gift?
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Recent Art Paintings - 2023

Check Out Our Recent Blog Posts and Pictures and checkout our New Post Spring 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Recent Art Paintings - 2023
Japanese Koi Pond
Japanese Koi Pond
Japanese Koi Pond
Japanese Koi and Garden - I created this image in Procreate 5 with Apple Pencil, using Art and Desigb brushes (V4 brushes), Visual Timmy brushes, and about 10 other brushes. I used a reference photo for the Japanese monument /cairn.
Japanese Fountain 2
Garden Series
Japanese Fountain 2
Japanese Fountain 2 This image was created from a reference photo I took on our deck. Our cat drinks from this fountain daily. Created in Procreate on my iPad Pro, the image has about 20+ layers. I used a number of brushes with unique textures.
Japanese Waterfall and Bowl
Japanese WaterFall Series
Japanese Waterfall and Bowl
This recent Digital Painting is roughly 16 x 24" and is available as a print in 3 different sizes. These prints are available at reasonable prices, contact Gordon at for the best price.
Babcock Waterfall
Garden Series
Babcock Waterfall
This recent Digital Painting is roughly 16 x 24" and is available as a print in 3 different sizes. These prints are available at reasonable prices, contact Gordon at for the best price.
General Steam
Steampunk Series
General Steam
This recent Digital Painting is roughly 16 x 24" and is available as a print in 3 different sizes. These prints are available at reasonable prices, contact Gordon at for the best price.
Lorraines Flowers
Garden Series
Lorraines Flowers
This recent Digital Painting is roughly 16 x 24" and is available as a print in 3 different sizes. These prints are available at reasonable prices, contact Gordon at for the best price.
English Garden House
Garden Series
English Garden House
This recent Digital Painting is roughly 16 x 24" and is available as a print in 3 different sizes. These prints are available at reasonable prices, contact Gordon at for the best price.
Flower Box
Flower Box
Flower Box
This recent Digital Painting is roughly 16 x 24" and is available as a print in 3 different sizes. These prints are available at reasonable prices, contact Gordon at for the best price.
Italian Window Box
Flower Box
Italian Window Box
This recent Digital Painting is roughly 16 x 24" and is available as a print in 3 different sizes. These prints are available at reasonable prices, contact Gordon at for the best price.
Original Acrylic Painting
Winter Mountains
Original Acrylic Painting
This recent original acrylic painting is of a mountain scene. It's 12 x 16" and is painted on canvas board. This painting is for sale for $200 CDN. Contact Gordon at for the best price.
Winter Scene
Snow Sentinels
Winter Scene
This Digital Painting is from my personal collection of winter images. Contact Gordon at for the best prices on prints or commissions.
Pine Pass Mountains
Pine Pass Winter
Pine Pass Mountains
This Digital Painting is from my Mountain / Lake Series of images. Its roughly 16 x 18" and is available as a print. These prints are available at reasonable prices, contact Gordon at for the best price.
CN Train Watercolour
CN Train in Mountains
CN Train Watercolour
This recent Digital Watercolour Painting is from my personal Train Series of images. It is available as a print. Contact Gordon at for the best price.
This recent Digital Painting is from my Jungle Series of images. Its roughly 11 x 14" and is available as a print in 3 different sizes. These prints are available at reasonable prices, contact Gordon at for the best price.
Japanese Koi
Japanese Koi
Japanese Koi
This recent painting is of a stream with Koi fish. Its roughly 16 x 24" and is an acrylic original painting. This painting is for sale for $400 CDN
Mexican villiage
Mexican Village
Mexican villiage
This painting of a Mexican Village was painted and sold to a collector in British Columbia. Just recently it changed hands and was picked by a private collection in BC. This painting is privately owned and not for sale.
Canoe Cove - Acrylic
Canoe Cove
Canoe Cove - Acrylic
This acrylic original painting was created approximately 10 years ago. This painting of Canoe Cove, near Sidney, BC was painted and sold to a collector in Northern British Columbia. Just recently it changed hands and was picked by a private collection in BC. This painting is privately owned and not for sale.
Tropical Fish - Reef
Tropical Fish
Tropical Fish - Reef
This recent painting is an original Acrylic Painting of Tropical Fish and a Reef. It's about 16" x 24" and was recently donated to the School District 59 Special Staff Event.
Europe - Venice
Venice - A new original Acrylic painting taken from some pictures I had. This 16" x 24" very colourful painting is available for $300 CDN. I also have limited edition prints available of this painting. Contact Gordon at for availability and sizing.
A Gardener's Delight
A Gardener's Delight
An Original Acrylic Painting- 18 x 24" - I am painting a series of Garden Window style paintings. Gardens are awesome and the flowers so bright. Very inspired by gardens I have seen in Victoria, BC For sale for $600 CDN ($500 USD) - Email me at for additional details.
CoreWorld 2175
Latest Work - CoreWorld 2175
CoreWorld 2175
"CoreWorld 2175" is an original Acrylic painting that represents a Science Fiction / Steampunk theme. This mixed media painting includes a highly detailed India ink background. This 16" x 23" piece is very bright and is available for sale for $500 CDN.
Coloured Stones
Coloured Stones
Coloured Stones
This abstract original acrylic painting of a stone wall has over 60 layers of colour. I also have prints of this painting available in 3 sizes at reasonable prices. Great for gifts! Contact Gordon at for availability.
You will love some of our European Architecture!
You will love some of our European Architecture!
I love to paint english homes, architecture and Cotswold cottages This Original Acrylic Painting is 18" x 24" and is available for $500 CDN ($360 USD)
River of Stone
An Original Acrylic Abstract
River of Stone
Full of rich colour and life, each painting takes weeks to complete and uses the finest canvas and high quality pigments. On this painting there is over 45 layers of colour. This Original Acrylic Painting is 20" x 30" and is available for $500 CDN ($360 USD)
BC is rich with incredible landscapes and rich environments.
BC is rich with incredible landscapes and rich environments.
Growing up in Victoria and the westcoast of British Columbia exposed me to beautiful vistas, awesome old growth forest and incredible beaches. This Original Acrylic Painting is 18" x 24" and is available for $600 CDN ($430 USD)
Firefighters, Emergency Scenes, High Intensity Action Paintings
Firefighters, Emergency Scenes, High Intensity Action Paintings
As a retired firefighter, I love to paint action scenes on the fire ground highlighting the heroes. This Original Acrylic Painting is 16" x 20" and is now in a private collection.
Love to paint unique garden scenes, old potting tables and barrels of rain water.
Love to paint unique garden scenes, old potting tables and barrels of rain water.
Beautiful gardens, potting shed, flowers and trellises. This Original Acrylic Painting is 24" x 36" and is available for $700 CDN ($500 USD)
Rusty, weathered wood, lush growth and fantasy gardens
Rusty, weathered wood, lush growth and fantasy gardens
I can't get enough of painting old garden sheds, water features, lush growth and old, beat up buildings. This Original Acrylic Painting is 24" x 36" and is available for $650 CDN ($465 USD)
Wine, Sun and Cheese
Wine, Sun and Cheese
This painting was created for a good friend for her boyfriend. They would drink wine and enjoy evening sunsets! This was one of my recent commissions. This painting is in a private collection and not for sale.
Garden Scenes
Garden Scenes
This watercolour print is available and can be purchase! Different sizes and prices. Email:
A Touch of the Orient!
A Touch of the Orient!
Cherry blossums and old trees in Japan are fun to paint and have a magical feeling to them. This Original Acrylic Painting is 24" x 30" and has recently sold to a collecter on Vancouver Island.
Abandoned Rail Car
Abandoned Rail Car
This painting came about after a trip to the Rail Museum just north of Duncan, BC.This Original Watercolour Painting is available (Framed) for $500 CDN ($360 USD)
East Meets West
East Meets West
This painting of two fences was developed after looking out my Mom's Yard in Oak Bay, BC (near Victoria). It represented both East and West meeting. This is in a private collection but may come up for sale in the $1200 - $1400 range.
Rusty Railcar
Rusty Railcar
This watercolour print is available and can be purchase! Different sizes and prices. Email:
Canoe Cove Marina
Canoe Cove Marina
This watercolour print is available and can be purchase! Different sizes and prices. Email:
Garden Fence
Garden Fence
This watercolour print is available and can be purchase! Different sizes and prices. Email:
Wagon wheel
Wagon wheel
This watercolour print is available and can be purchase! Different sizes and prices. Email:
Why I paint and create art...
I originally started painting watercolours and then acrylics after years of dreaming about art. I finally got the courage up to start!
Taylor Forest
Taylor Forest
Founder & CEO
Why do I paint so many types of themes?
I love colour and enjoy a variety of interests ranging from archtecture to gardens and landscapes. But I also paint firefighter scenes, english homes, and fantasy / science fiction.
Ruth Mellanie
Ruth Mellanie
Do you sell prints?
I have sold prints for watercolour paintings ( a limited production run) and also plan to sell acrylic prints on canvas.
Logan Moore
Logan Moore
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Contact Us Today for Available Art!
Contact Us Today for Available Art!
Contact Us Today for Available Art!
Contact Us Today for Available Art!
Contact Us Today for Available Art!
New Digital / Acrylic Paintings Available!
I am currently painting digital art and acrylics. Prints of some of my art, on canvas or paper are created weekly. Looking for a gift, anniversary surprise, pet paintings or just like to collect art? Commissions are available. Call me at (250) 784-8383 today!
My ongoing Garden Series, Japanese Waterfall Series, European Architecture Series, Winter Series, Steampunk Series and Landscapes will be growing.
Order Your Print / Original TODAY!
Have an Idea for a Painting?
Although I have a million ideas for painting themes and series, I regularly get asked if I would paint specific themes.
I will paint custom themes for gifts, birthday presents and for specific businesses. In the past I have painted large acrylics for US clients.
Order Your Art TODAY!
Custom Painting Available!
Enjoy Abstract Paintings?
I love to paint Abstract images with themes like science fiction, gardens and stone rock work and textures.
Many of my latest sci-fi abstract paintings start out a shapes and particular colour palettes and then grow from there. My creations include airbrush work and different techniques I have perfected.
Call Us TODAY!
Awesome Abstracts
Do I ship paintings to the US? Yes I do!
Much of my recent work has been shipped by courier to clients in Canada and the US!
All my paintings are professionally packaged and sent via companies I trust. Painting options can include custom spray on protective finishes to bring out the color and protect my original work.
Order Your Art TODAY!
Shipping Worldwide
Combining Mediums & Techniques!
I love to experiment with different mediums, paint application and textures. Many of my paintings include airbrush work, pen and ink, watercolors, mediums added to the paint, palette knife techniques and more!
In the past 2 year I started using new under painting techniques and airbrushing different layouts and 3D techniques.
Order Your Art TODAY!
New Ideas and Mediums
  • New Digital / Acrylic Paintings Available!
  • Have an Idea for a Painting? Custom Painting Available!
  • Enjoy Abstract Paintings? Awesome Abstracts
  • Do I ship paintings to the US? Yes I do! Shipping Worldwide
  • Combining Mediums & Techniques! New Ideas and Mediums


Mary Townsend Philadelphia, PA
"I have always enjoyed Gordon's colors and rich textures. His garden paintings are amazing and something I value dearly."
Emily Brandvold Seattle, WA
"My painting of the waterfront sits in the middle of my sitting room for all my friends to see. Thank you again Gordon!"
Lou Sells Edmonton, AB
"My wife bought one of your earlier paintings (Watercolour) and now owns an acrylic painting. Its grown on me and its one of my favourites. Keep Painting! "
Shelley Bandaras Calgary, AB
"Gordon's digital watercolours are incredible and very brightly coloured! Looking at adding some og his new Japanese Koi Pond prints..."
New Digital Paintings Now Available!
Japanese Gardens and Eurpoean Architecture! Call For Availability.